Various Topics :
Install Linux into a VMware Virtual Machine

* * * D O N O T P A N I C * * * These steps are all very small and trivial. A lot of these steps are just "click the next button" or perhaps click on an option somewhere in VMware. There are even steps where you do nothing but watch. 000 What do you mean 106 steps! Not just 10 or 12? Why? 001 Devuan Linux is the lightweight variation of Debian 002 Download Devuan Linux installation ISO file 003 Download Devuan Linux from a mirror site 004 Select a Devuan Linux mirror site 005 Select the Devuan Chimaera stable release 006 Select the Devuan Linux installer-iso directory 007 Select the Devuan chimaera netinstall file 008 Download the Devuan Linux netinstall file to your computer 009 Begin to create the empty VMware Workstation virtual machine 010 Begin the VMware New Virtual Machine Wizard 011 Select the ordinary and Typical VMware Virtual Machine 012 Tell VMware Workstation where the Devuan Linux netinstall file is 013 Select the Devuan Linux netinstall file 014 Select Linux as the Guest Operating System 015 Select a type of Linux for the VMware Virtual Machine 016 Give your VMware Virtual Machine a name 017 Select a reasonable size for the VMware virtual machine disk 018 CAREFUL HERE 019 Ensure the automatic power on sequence is off 020 Customize the VMware Virtual Machine 021 Select virtual memory for the VMware Virtual Machine 022 Select the number of processors for the VMware Virtual Machine 023 Number of processors for VMware Virtual Machine 024 Select the CDROM or DVD device and file for a VMware Virtual Machine 025 Select a network method for your VMware Virtual Machine 026 We do not need a printer for a VMware Virtual Machine 027 No need for a USB controller to install a VMware Virtual Machine 028 Use a trivial display config for the VMware Virtual Machine 029 Almost done with the config of a VMware Virtual Machine 030 Finish the config of a VMware Virtual Machine 031 You may see this window pop up 032 The console and status window for your VMware Virtual Machine 033 Further things we can configure in the VMware Virtual Machine 034 Further options for a new VMware Virtual Machine 035 Full Guest Isolation during install of the VMware Virtual Machine 036 Guest Isolation done for VMware Virtual Machine 037 Manual update of the VMware Tools 038 UEFI 039 Finally Start up the Guest operating system 040 Launch the VMware Virtual Machine 041 Welcome to the Devuan Linux boot loader 042 Begin the Devuan installer in standard mode 043 Select a Language 044 Select C as the language during installation 045 Select your region 046 Select your country 047 Select a keyboard style 048 Watch various components being installed 049 Watch the network be automatically configured 050 Give your Devuan Linux Virtual Machine a name 051 Select a network domain name 052 Select a root level password 053 Verify the root password 054 Create a somewhat ordinary user 055 What is the username for your admin entity 056 Choose a password for your admin user 057 Verify the admin user password 058 Select a reasonable timezone 059 You may see a big blue blank screen sometimes 060 Partition the VMware virtual disk 061 Partition the VMware Virtual storage disk 062 Keep the disk partition simple 063 Finish the disk partition process 064 Actually commit the changes to the disk partition 065 Watch the installer progress 066 Watch the Devuan Linux installer continue 067 Scan the installation media 068 Configure the package manager 069 HTTP proxy 070 Configuring apt 071 Watch as apt brings in software components from a mirror 072 Select and Install software 073 Always have popcon 074 More software will be installed 075 Select a desktop environment 076 A pile of software packages to be installed 077 Just watch the progress bar 078 Select an init system 079 Watch sysvinit install 080 Installing the GRUB boot loader 081 Finish the installation 082 Installation is complete 083 Watch the last progress bar 084 Hit the power button and shut down the machine 085 Power off the Virtual Machine before it really boots 086 Power off the virtual machine 087 The VMware Tools package warning 088 Edit the virtual machine config 089 Remove the CD/DVD device 090 Start up the guest operating system 091 You may ignore the VMware Tools warning 092 Continue with the boot process 093 A brief blank screen may be seen 094 The LXQt desktop login 095 Login as the ordinary user 096 Welcome to the LXQt desktop 097 Open a terminal 098 Start the QTerminal 099 Use su to become the root superuser 100 Begin a system update 101 Continue the software update 102 Install a few trivial software packages 103 Watch a few software pieces install 104 run neofetch 105 Shutdown the VMware Virtual machine 106 You are all done with install of Devuan Linux into a VMware Virtual machine Let us now begin at step 0